De Colores - may the colours of God's Love go with you
Cursillo is a Spanish word that simply means "a short course" and has the idea of a "short race" – something that takes you quickly forward. It refers particularly to the three-day weekends which are a part of the movement as a whole and which are described as "a short course in Christian living".
Encourager – Summer 2024
When I lived in the UK, every city I visited usually had some type of tourist experience based on the... Continue reading→
Tassie Cursillo Tour 2025
To coincide with National Secretariat Meeting from 24th to 26th October 2025 – The annual National Secretariat gatherings are open to... Continue reading→
Diocesan Ultreya & National Secretariat 2024
Newcastle Cursillistas hosted the 2024 National Secretariat Meeting at an exciting new venue ! Wallsend Diggers… in late October. All... Continue reading→
M/W51 Combined Cursillo – Success
MW51 Cursillo 2024 – The first combined men’s and women’s Cursillo weekend-MW51- in Newcastle Diocese was held 22nd to 25th... Continue reading→
Cursillo Newcastle

Cursillo Newcastle.
Cursillo Newcastle is part of a movement of the church that helps to equip and inspire Christians to be active apostles for Christ. It is a model for continuing the experience of the 'three day weekend' for the rest of our lives within a supportive and encouraging community. We are encouraged "to bloom where we are planted"'
Cursillo really needs to be experienced to be fully understood.
Cursillo is a Spanish word as it originated in Spain. It simply means ‘a short course’. It inspires us with on-going support and encouragement for our personal growth in Faith. We are challenged to live an active Christian life, wherever we may find ourselves.
3 Phases of Cursillo
There are three phases of Cursillo:
- The pre-Cursillo when prayerfully the purpose of Cusillo is shared with others.
- Attendance at a Cursillo three-day short course.
- The Fourth Day, or rest of our lives, supported by Group Reunions and Ultreyas with others who have attended a Cursillo weekend to encourage us on our journey.
The fourth day
Cursillo focuses on showing lay people how to become effective christian leaders over the course of a three-day weekend. There are fifteen talks over the weekend. Some talks by priests but most by lay people. The major emphasis of the weekend is to ask participants to take what they have learned back into the world. This is what we call the "fourth day". The method stresses personal spiritual development, as encouraged by weekly group reunion (after the weekend).
Cursillo Newcastle.
Cursillo Newcastle began when the then Bishop of Newcastle asked Grafton Diocese to bring Cursillo to Newcastle Diocese in 1990. Each of our Bishops, since then, has encouraged Cursillo Newcastle. The Cursillo theme:- “Make a friend, Be a friend. Bring your friend gently to Jesus” sums up our experience of Cursillo and of how it has helped us.
The people of Cursillo Newcastle want to share the Cursillo experience, because of the way it has helped us in our own journey with God, and what we have seen it doing for others.