Sponsor Guidelines
The team and Lay Director will do all they can to ensure the success of the Cursillo method for your candidate. However, the most important and long-lasting influence is going to be yours and Secretariat commends you on this undertaking. A few pointers have been set out below which you may find helpful as a sponsor.
- Pray about who would be a suitable candidate - remember that the Cursillo experience is not intended to be used as a cure for illness or depression.
- Make sure you speak with the candidate’s rector about the candidate and their ability to cope.
- Please contact your candidate (and his/her spouse) and encourage them. Be sensitive to the candidate’s financial situation; let them know the cost of the weekend, and be aware there is financial assistance available from Secretariat upon Application if this is needed.
- Parishes often assist financially when they have a candidate attending, please see if this is possible.
- Speak to your candidate about any weekend support they require whilst they are away.
- Ensure you know where to bring your candidate on the first evening. Accompanying your candidate is a great encouragement. If you can’t attend, make sure you arrange transport for your candidate.
- All Encouragement is important. Your prayers for the three days are especially important and are an assurance to your candidate of your support and love.
- After the 3 days, assist them to find a Group Reunion they feel comfortable with as soon as possible.
- This may take a little bit of time, encouragement and perseverance, but it is vital! Your example of attending a Group Reunion is imperative.
- Go with them to Ultreyas and our Diocesan Ultreya. Support them with your encouragement and prayers and bring them to the follow-up Fourth Day Welcome.
- The new veteran will require at least 12 months support.
- Continue to pray for your veteran.
- The Servant Community and your Parish Contact are available as a support link in all of the above.
Without sponsors there would be no Cursillo, and therefore your ongoing role is a vital part of all Cursillo Weekends. Thank you.