
Encourager March 2017

Luke 21:29—36 ..and he told them a parable: “Look at the fig tree, and all the trees. As soon as they come out in leaf, you see for yourselves and know that the summer is already near. So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that the Kingdom of God is near. Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all has taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away …

Our relationship with God could be described as a series of choices. Following Jesus is a daily process of choosing life over death – with the promise that he will work to heal our bad decisions so that new life is always open to us. We don’t need to be like the Corinthians who seemed to want to choose between Paul and Apollos. We all have different gifts and callings and so need to work together in God’s garden.
Life is full of choices and consequences – if we are holding a glass and we drop it on a hard floor, the chances are that it will break. Moses explained to the people of Israel that their future decisions would have consequences. They had been rescued from slavery in Egypt but they would need to choose to stay free. They could worship God and live his way OR they could choose to become slaves to idols made from stone or wood – basically a choice between life and death, blessings or curses.

DOWNLOAD ENCOURAGER HERE:  #96 the encourager 2017

Leaders School

Servant Community Workshops

Leaders School/Servant Community Workshop – the last of the 3 workshops was held at Belmont Anglican Church on April 29th 2017  

We would love to hear your feed-back… Servant/Leadership communities are essential for the health of Cursillo – if you feel a call to assist in such a community – let’s hear from you.

Any follow-up, please contact servant Community Coordinators: Gail Isles. ddmgk@bigpond.com or Bill Nicolle. sticks@aapt.net.au

Download Flyer:  The Workshop flyer (3)






TUNE UP – Mens Weekend

– the gathering of 75 men on the Saturday and 57 men on the Sunday at Tahlee Bible College on the shores of Port Stevens in May 2017 was an excellent opportunity to reflect on our faith.

We were challenged very effectively by our main speaker Rev. Rod Lewellyn as we studied the 4 chapters of the second book of Timothy.
A real surprise came when the mystery speaker was introduced. His name was Brigadier Jim Wallace AM  (retired) who is currently heading up the Australian Christian lobby. He spoke on his role and interaction with the various politicians; and ACL’s commitment to pursue a Christian influence into our Federal Parliament.

He was particularly passionate about gaining support for a petition to be presented to Federal Parliament. ACL is seeking active support for persecuted Christians in some of the world hot spots where Christians are being singled out for torture and murder.
There was good support for question time and further information sessions throughout the weekend.
The film “Luther” was shown and was an excellent springboard for  good discussion as a start to the weekend.
There was great singing led competently by the band of 3 guitars, keyboard and drums.
The weather was quite exceptional (not cold and wet as expected).
Great friendships were formed and others renewed.

30 men were there for the first time and were impressed with the format and friendly atmosphere. It was an excellent weekend and full credit goes to Jaimie Young, Dr.James White and their team for organising it.  The Christian Fellowship was great as was the food.  Looking forward to another next year (May 18th – 20th -put it in your Diary!)  Planning has already started.
Blessings and Ultreya Brian Walsh.



M46 & W46 side-by-side 3 day Cursillos – WERE HELD FROM Thursday 24th August 2017 to 27th August 2017  at Hunter Valley Retreat Quorrobolong.  A Report of the weekend will be added to this site SOON…

“3 Days: Introduction to Cursillo”  


A Report of the weekend will be added to this site SOON…

2017 Application Form P1,2 Candidate v3

2017 Application Insert P3 Sponsor & P4 Clergy v4

2017 What is Cursillo vers 5 – 2014 BpGreg

2017 What Is Sponsors Guidelines v1

Newcastle Diocesan Ultreya

cursillistas-singletonNEWCASTLE DIOCESAN ULTREYA  was held on Sat 5 Nov 2016 at All Saints Church Singleton.  It was an uplifting event with over 100 people present.  Fr. Steve Niland led the Eucharist;  “Noah’s Wife” band were excellent, playing some really inspirational songs, (ably assisted unofficially by our host Rector, Charlie Murry, on a lead guitar).

  • Commissioned were: 
  • W46 LD  Lesley Byrne;         M46 LD  Tony Farmer;    
  • Secretariat  Lyn Carter (as new Co-DLD);  
  • New Servant Community –  
  • Maitland Wendy Brack, Nick Waymouth, Lynn Dunnicliff.  
  • Lake Macquarie: Helen Edwards.    
  • Newcastle – Rosemary Allan.
  • Helen Fraser  (Co-DLD) & Chris Palmer retire from Secretariat, and
  • Joan Christie from CC Servant Community, after their 3 year term.

Calendar of events for 2017 and MW46 Application forms should be on web site by Dec 2016

Now is the time to pray and prepare to sponsor more of those lovely Anglican men and women, young and young in heart for the Cursillo Method of evangelism, always checking with clergy.

Col. Johnston asked females of the Diocese to NAG(!) their males when forms come out for the Men’s Camp at Tahlee 19-21 May.

Chris Bullock is promoting any ministry that Cursillistas can contribute to Kairos Prison Ministry, for men and women Inside and Outside, and Juveniles in detention

 See below for more photos of the event:



Encourager September 2016

Fr SteveEncourager Editorial: What do we need to know about living our lives for Jesus?  Jesus wants us NOT JUST to love him, but to act as people of love in the wider community inspired by his example.

In the Gospel of John chapter 15, Jesus tells us in verse 12: This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you; and emphasizes this in verse 17: I am giving you these commands so that you may love one another.  To follow this command, we need to understand how Jesus loves us – so we can love each other in the same way.

The passage also says this: 13No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 14You are my friends if you do what I command you.  I invite you to think about the cross for a moment and ask yourself if it is an image of love or one of commandment?  Personally, I think it’s an image of both.  By dying on the cross, Jesus showed his love for us – but the sacrifice that it represents is also the way that Jesus commands us to live for each other.  We must love sacrificially and wholeheartedly – ready to give anything up for each other.  After all, Jesus referred to following him as “taking up our cross”.

We are a people that place a high value on the right to choose.  We make all sorts of choices – big and small – in the course of our everyday lives.  How good does it feel to know that Jesus chose us?  Sometimes we fall into the trap of thinking that we are responsible for our faith – that it is there to be chosen or not.  This simply is not true.  It is Christ who has called us.  He draws us to himself, and is unwilling to let us go.  Thus, the only choice is whether we want to follow his command to love, learning bit by bit what it means to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.  We need to choose love each day in all we say and do.

DOWNLOAD ENCOURAGER SEPTEMBER 2016 HERE: spring-edition-sept-2016

M45 & W45 2016 Cursillo – Awesome

Holy Spirit 2M45 & W45 2016 Cursillo was Awesome! Newcastle had another amazing, spirit-filled side-by-side weekend. There were 12 women and 5 men plus Teams. W45 Theme was “Come into His presence singing” and the Theme Song was “Lord I come to You” (The Power of Your Love).  M45 Theme was “God is Good all the time” and the theme song was “Bless the Lord O my Soul”. These themes were such a blessing to us all through the 3 days of Cursillo. We sang praises to God with Gusto!, and we were blessed by the Power of God’s Love – God is Good – all the time!

TheSpiritual Advisers  for W45 presented a wonderful way of finding out about the 7 Sacraments.  it was a very special time for team and candidates and was well received by all. The testimonies at the close of the weekend reinforced the statement that God was indeed in our midst over the weekend. It was clear that, although the focus on the Cursillo is for the candidates, the spiritual growth in the team members was also evident over the time together.

The Closing Eucharist was celebrated by Fr David Battrick with Fr Stephen Niland presenting the crosses. We were very encouraged that Bishop Greg was able to be with us as a friend. Please continue to uphold him and our Diocesan leadership in your prayers. The African cry was affirmed repeatedly: God is good – all the time!

M45 & W45 2016 Cursillo was held at Kurri Kurri TAFE  from 25-28 August 2016. It is time now to pray earnestly for all who will be attending the follow-up Welcome Day. That will be held on Saturday 17th September at Morpeth, 9.00am for 9.30am.  LET’S Pray that our Father will continue to work His wonders during this time!  You would be most welcome to attend to encourage our “new veterans’ and some old ones too!

Please also give thanks for the leadership of Lyn and Lewis  & please continue to hold the candidates in your prayers.

The Kurri Kurri TAFE Campus has been a great venue and is set on 135 hectares of park and native bushland. Unfortunately it may not be available in the future due to rising costs. Let us pray that God will resolve this problem or find us a new suitable venue.  De Colores!

Newcastle Diocesan Convention

Cursillo stall at Diocesan ConventionCursillo Secretariat ‘manned’ (or should I say ‘womanned’) a stall at the Newcastle Diocesan Convention recently. Our cover photo shows Chris Palmer and Helen Fraser at the stall.

The Diocesan Convention was held at Bishop Tyrrell Anglican College on Saturday 13th August and there were over 300 in attendance from Parishes throughout the Diocese. Both Bishop Greg and Bishop Peter expressed sincere thanks for the support they & the staff have received both in the attendance at the convention and during the difficult time of the Commission Hearing.

Ms Gill Fletcher & Tim Dyer took us through a discussion at our separate tables as to how the disclosures in the Commission Hearing have impacted each of us and how we can try and cope with that. They encouraged us to focus on 4 areas

1) Truth Telling – we need open & honest accountability;

2) Justice Seeking – Respond to the needs of those around us;

3) Grace Giving – in acceptance, support & care giving; and

4) Peace Making – help restore relationships (with God, Self & others) and create hope for the future (Ephesians 4). We need to commit all our emotions, thoughts and actions to Prayer.

The other speaker was Canon Dr Robyn Greenwood who emphasised the importance of listening to one another – he said ‘Church’ is a verb not a noun – God invites us to grow – that sometimes we have to be broken to then be able to bless and receive blessing – at the cross Jesus was abandoned by his friends & ultimately felt abandoned by his Father – but chose the Cross to show God’s love for each of us & that he is a God who works wonders in this hurting world – a God who beseeches us to come to Him with all our doubts and feelings of betrayal & hurt as He knows our pain. He is our hope for the future