Welcome Day W/M49 & Dates for W/M50

WELCOME DAY – was held on 18th June at MICA (St Andrews Church Mayfield). This year we treated the day as a simulated flight on a commercial airline – except the toilet facilities seemed to be a long way outside the “plane”!  Everyone was pleased to meet up again and relive some of the 3 days experience.

Both M49 (28th April to 1st May) & W49  (2nd to 5th June) were a great success for all who attended. Praise God!

Downloadable Forms have been removed for 2022. 

Dates for M50 & W50 are: M50: 17 to 20 Aug. 2023 & W50: 31 Aug. to 3 Sep. 2023.

As always – De Colores & Ultreya!


Newcastle Diocesan Grand Ultreya 7 November 2020

Despite the Covid 19 restrictions, the change of venue for 2020 and some last minute “mix-ups”, our very first zoomed Grand Ultreya in the Diocese was held. The theme “God gives us a Future”, certainly came to fruition with a great celebration.
Brian Taylor, led the Ultreya and along with your Secretariat, their wives and husbands, provided the ‘in house’ participation, whilst Cursillistas from around the Dioceses and afar watched from home.

Read More here:  Diocesan Ultreya 

National Secretariat met via Zoom

On 31st October National Secretariat convened via Zoom.   We were fortunate to have  Revd Will Newman from Hong Kong  & 2 reps from The Highveld in South Africa with us. It was very encouraging.

Unfortunately COVID-19 has changed our meeting habits but it has brought about new methods of communication.

We hope that more Dioceses may take part in National Secretariat  Meetings (even after the Pandemic) by being with us “online” if they are not able to be present in person.

In fact National Cursillo of the future may meet once a year “in person” and the Executive might continue to meet from time to time throughout the year via Zoom.

This year’s meeting had a number of matters to discuss including:

  • Protocols during COVID
  • Cursillo’s possible participation with SOMA in helping to revitalise the Australian Anglican Church – watch this space
  • The Commissioning of our new National Spiritual advisor Revd Jane Lamont & our new National Secretary Leanne Doyle
  • The election of our new National Lay Director to take office at our Secretariat Meeting in September 2021 – Lewis Hitchick (from Bathurst Diocese)
  • Discussion of Cursillo in COVID – how do we adapt?

Looking Forward to breaking out of the Covid Cocoon!!!

Jim Warland 

National Lay Director

Brisbane Hosted Zoom Ultreya – Historic Event

The first ever On-Line Ultreya Was held
in the Brisbane SQ Cursillo Diocese

North West Brisbane Ultreya

Theme: Come as You Are

Was held Saturday 23rd May

It was an historic event in the life of Australian Cursillo! there were about 83 people online – including 4 or 5 from Newcastle Diocese, Cursillistas from many areas of Brisbane, Other parts of Queensland, Cursillistas from Tasmania, Bathurst, Canberra/Goulburn, Padre Ojal from Kenya & another overseas participant also.

We had songs, Bible readings, a witness speaker, SD summation And Group Reunion where we were all Randomly allocated Rooms of 6-8 people and discussed questions pertaining to the theme “Come as you are”

It heralded in a new era for Cursillo. Our thanks go to Brisbane Diocese, the organising team, Alan Gray, The Zoom team, the Musos  and everyone who contributed & participated.
While COVID-19 has had many negative outcomes – one positive one is that we can find new ways of being Church – and Cursillo has a big role to play in that.


De Colores & Ultreya

Hosted by

Anglican Parish of The Gap

Contact: Jeanette Reason 0414 441 243

Email: jeanette.reason@bigpond.com

Unsure about Zoom


Anglican Cursillo Cancellations

Our 30 year Anniversary Celebrations in June 2020 are cancelled as well as all Ultreyas for July & August. The National Secretariat Meeting scheduled for June will  also be postponed to a date to be advised. We may have a meeting via Zoom later in the year.  This has become necessary due to the ever changing advice on the Corona virus (COVID-19).

Unfortunately it has also been necessay to postpone the Cursillo weekends this year. This decision saddens us but we need to act responsibly in the current situation of uncertainty  for the protection of all involved. We need to follow Government and Diocesan instructions so that we are compliant in all we do.

David and Lorraine will have the opportunity to be the LD in 2021. We thank them for their support and for all the work they have already done towards their weekends.

We are also cancelling the Secretariat Meeting for April. We will meet in May at this stage. You will be advised closer to the time.

Please continue to pray fervently as we  care for each other and those God is calling us to support in ways we will need to be creative as we navigate and continue to serve in these trying times.

Do pray you are all well and we will keep you informed.

It is good to know our God is Faithful and Merciful in the bad times as well as the good. He is our strength and refuge in troubled times

Love in Christ

Noelene & Bill

North Queensland Cursillo postponed

Unfortunately, the planned Cursillo for North Queensland has been postponed until 24th – 27th September because of COVID-19 concerns… Marcia & Robin Hyde hopefully still have a Team to run a 3 Day Mixed Cursillo in Townsville.

National was prepared to send a support group to assist – however they do need our PRAYERS!

Details will be posted by Alan Gray on our National Website https://www.cursillo-australia.org/

They are still trying to get candidates from throughout the Diocese. The theme is based on the play from National – “perseverance”

Training that started on 29/02/2020 is now postponed

But it will still happen – in GOD’s time!


Jim Warland

National Lay Director

Anglican Cursillo

Mob: 0408 291 395


Cursillos & National Meeting Postponed…

The 30th Anniversary Celebration of Newcastle Cursillo which was to be held at St Johns Church Raymond Terrace on 6th June 2020 has been postponed to a date to be advised because of the restrictions around COVID-19.

National Secretariat has also been posponed to a date to be fixed.

Please pass on this message to all Cursillistas…