Subscriptions and Donations
For 2024 the subscription is $30.00 per person or $50.00 per couple.
This contributes to the expenses of Cursillo for the current year.
Subscriptions or Donations may be paid at any time using Electronic Funds Transfer, or by Cheque, at a Diocesan Ultrya, or to your parish Rep at your next Ultreya.
Cheques should be made payable to Newcastle Anglican Cursillo
Direct Deposit: Newcastle Anglican Cursillo | BSB: 705 077 | Account No: 00041127
In the reference please Include your Name and the purpose (ie sub or don etc)
Please also notify our Treasurer, including the date, reference and amount.
Treasurer Colleen Read colleen.read@bigpond.com
or PO Box 174 WARATAH NSW 2298
This is important for recording, bookkeeping and auditing.