
Cursillo Australia

Cursillo Australia is part of the worldwide movement which seeks to make it possible to live out what is fundamental to being a Christian. The movement, it began on the island of Majorca, Spain, in the late 1940's as a means for reviving commitment to the faith.

Anglican Church Newcastle

Our Diocese is located in the state of New South Wales and extends along the coast of the state from Woy Woy to Laurieton and inland to Merriwa and Murrurundi. The cathedral church of the Diocese is Christ Church Cathedral in Newcastle.

The Anglican Communion

The motto of the Anglican Communion written in Greek around the centre of the compass rose is 'The truth will set you free'. The member churches comprise some 85 million people.  They are autonomous, share doctrine, worship and mission in common.

Cursillo Bathurst Contact Lewis Hitchick 0427 373 446

The Diocese welcomed the Cursillo Movement in 1985, and since then over 1,000 men and women throughout the region have enjoyed a deepening of their own faith and an enriching experience of Christian community through their involvement in Cursillo. 

Cursillo Southern Queensland

Over  3800 Cursillistas, have  participated in Cursillo Weekends since it was introduced to Southern Queensland by Canberra/Goulbourn in 1985. In 2025, Southern Queensland is celebrating  its 40th Anniversary with the Diocesan Ultreya being held at St John’s Cathedral on November 8. All are welcome to join in this wonderful  celebration. Like other Dioceses, Cursillo Southern Queensland is looking forward and building on the great foundation laid by decades of faithful and passionate Cursillistas. Onwards and Upwards !

Cursillo Bunbury

The Perth Secretariat had held Cursillos in Bunbury, so helped us with resources. The D.L.D. managed to go to Canberra for a National in Feb. 2005 and then to Hobart in September 2005. This helped tremendously with the starting Cursillo in Bunbury.

Cursillo Perth

Cursillo has been in Perth since 1992 with a team from Brisbane.  In one month, they ran four 3-day Cursillo's at the Wollaston Centre for Christian Spirituality. Nearly 2500 people from over 120 parishes in Western Australia have been on Cursillo.

Cursillo Sydney

Cursillo  is a structured weekend, with selected talks and discussions, together with prayer, laughter, music and song, times of reflection and silence. It is a time for listening and sharing ideas presented by fellow Christians, who share the same sort of struggles. 

Cursillo Tasmania

Cursillo is an active participant in the Diocese and it is our prayer that all who have engaged with Cursillo will also become more confident, joyful and enthusiastic supporters of the work of their local Parish. It has prospered in Tasmania.

Kairos Prison Ministry Australia

Kairos is an interdenominational Christian ministry reaching out to incarcerated individuals, their families and those who work with them; to bring sustainable meaning and hope in the place of loneliness, isolation and despair. Kairos is making a difference 


The Samaritans vision, mission and values and underpin all of our work.

VISION: For communities where there is love, peace, justice, reconciliation and dignity for all people, where there is care for the vulnerable and their environment and where each individual has the opportunity to contribute and participate fully in community life.