Encourager - Our Newcastle Anglican Cursillo Newsletter
Encourager – Summer 2024
When I lived in the UK, every city I visited usually had some type of tourist experience based on the history of the area. The one in Canterbury told the story of the pilgrims who would come to see the... Continue reading→
Encourager – Winter 2024
One of my favourite stories is St Francis and the wolf. A wolf is terrorising the town of Gubbio and when St Francis hears of it, he goes there to tame the wolf. When he meets the wolf, he arranges... Continue reading→
Encourager Autumn 2024
Newcastle Anglican Cursillo Autumn Magazine Continue reading→
Encourager Summer 2023
In the Victorian times, fairy tales and Shakespearean plays were edited to take the more risqué parts out. I often think that over time our portrayal of angels has received the same treatment. DOWNLOAD ENCOURAGER HERE: Encourager Summer 2023 Our... Continue reading→
Encourager Winter 2023
1 Timothy 4.14 Paul encourages Timothy to not neglect the gift that is in him. Load Encourager Here: Encourager Winter 2023 Cursillo encourages us to use our gifts in the 4th day, but this is tricky. What are my gifts?... Continue reading→
Encourager Autumn 2023
Cursillo Winter Encourager Continue reading→
Summer Encourager 2022
Christmas is almost upon us again. As we get older it is not unusual to feel time passing at what seems a faster speed. Not only this, but celebrations that used to fill us with joy and wonder can become... Continue reading→
Encourager Winter July 2022
How can we draw close to God? Sometimes in life God can feel very close while other times God feels very far away. This is not uncommon or new, most people feel like this and have done so for centuries.... Continue reading→
Encourager Autumn March 2022
With Easter just around the corner my mind is drawn towards my favourite Easter exclamation, “We are an Easter people and ALLELUIA is our song!” As I reflect on this, specifically for my first Encourager article, it has got me... Continue reading→
The Encourager Summer Nov 2021
RESPONSE TO DIOCESAN ULTREYA WITNESS TALK – So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! Thank you, Noel, for sharing your Cursillo journey with us today. It... Continue reading→
The Encourager Autumn 2021
FASTING, FORTY DAYS AND FORGIVENESS – In Genesis 3 the first sin is recorded and also the subsequent judgement by GOD. As the human capacity for sin is not reduced in any way, GOD determines to wipe out humanity from His... Continue reading→
The Encourager Summer 2020
The Power of Prayer. I love that definition right at the start – PRAYER IS THE SOUL’s SINCERE DESIRE – UTTERED OR UNEXPRESSED. Our prayer needs to be sincere – not simply rattled off in rote fashion but spoken as...