The Diocesan Ultreya was held on Sat 18 November 2017 at the Cathedral. The Dean of Newcastle, Revd Canon Katherine Bowyer welcomed us. Even after the change of dates there
were over 100 present.
- Commissionings : Our New DLD to replace Brian Walsh is Bill Nicolle.
- New Secretariat Members commissioned were: Lyn & Steve Parsons, Chris Bullock and Colleen Read.
- Our new SA is Revd Michelle Hazel-Jawhary
- M47 LD is David Marsh and W47 LD is Jane Sinclair.
Bishop Election Synod: was held on 24th & 25th November & elected Bishop Peter Stuart as our new Diocesan Bishop. Congratulations Bishop Peter, you have always been a great supporter of Cursillo.
Please keep Bishop Peter in your prayers as he prepares to lead the Diocese into a healthy future.